Tuesday, 10 June 2014

A Hacker Group From Iran Target US Security Firms

Iran, a typically advanced country in cyber crimes and several hacker groups are active and targeting the whole world. Such event has encountered again where an Iranian Hacker group has breached all fraud prevention techniques of a Security company in the United States. With this move these groups are testing their technical capabilities and enhancing them according to a report from FireEye another security firm. According to FireEye hackers from the group Ajax Security Team has penetrates the US defense Network contractors at the IEEE aerospace, they sent a phishing mail to the plat computers. If contractor tricked by installing the pony proxy, which was a powerful Ajax Malware, this kind of a Keylogger and records everything that happen on the computers. In addition to that it takes a scheduled random screen shots and steal the cookies from the browser, also they were trying to bypass the Oppressive Web controls by sending another malware with VPN proxy and all.

FireEye Said “The objectives of this group are consistent with Iran’s efforts at controlling political dissent and expanding offensive cyber capabilities, but we believe that members of the group may also be dabbling in traditional cybercrime. This indicates that there is a considerable grey area between the cyber espionage capabilities of Iran’s hacker groups and any direct Iranian government or military involvement.”

As US and Other Countries are neck to neck with each other such as China which recently do a security check of US Supplied Network components. Also US have been accused to spying on people through the NSA prism Program and that’s why Iran people are pretty much angry on US and Obama Too, so it turns out to be the attack in sake of Obama’s NSA secretive programs. And in upcoming future several other group could join to make a large group to hack more.

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