Systems, known as the well-known and innovative company of Israel is now
marketing its new authentication system in real-time to many financial
institutions as the replacement to identify different types of verification
questions. This company has claimed that their sophisticated systems use
efficient technology and algorithms
to identify voice of a user in the attempt to provide banks and financial
institutions with faster call turnaround and allows call centers to save their
money and efforts in dealing with different calls.
Biometric System or Voice Analysis System of the Company
Professionals of Nice Company have designed the solution in such a manner that customers do not able to realize that there is some biometric system or software analyzing their voice and spoken words. Here, callers can enter into the database of voiceprint, which verifies their spoken words and emotions to generate unique thumbprint. Once the company or its professionals obtain the thumbprint from any caller, they use it to compare with the made or received ongoing call with that customer in future.
In case the vocal level of the caller does not match with his or her original biometric thumbprint taken in the past, the system will notify CSRs and phone agents to deploy the secondary identification verification questions. Thus, biometric system introduced by Nice Company plays significant role to reduce fraud in credit unions, banks and several other types of financial institutions. Other than banks, many other business ventures and companies have obtained their benefits by the help of advanced vocal analysis systems.
Voice Analysis in Call Centers
In case of call center companies, technician team of the Nice Systems has claimed that their newly launched solutions would reduce the average duration to handle calls of call centers by about 45 seconds. In addition, the company said that its biometric product plays a significant role to leverage different factors, which include speech rate, emphasis, pronunciation and various other accents to create fingerprints for vocal biometrics.
According to Yochai Rozenblat, the president of Nice Company, “Most voice-based projects have failed because they put a burden on the customer to set up their voice-enabled profiles in advance--an additional time-consuming task. With Nice's Seamless Passive Enrollment, if a customer has called before, they can be automatically authenticated using their voice the very next time they call.” Read more from here.
Other than Nice Systems, many other companies have even played significant role to provide voice solutions to call center companies. One such company is Skylex Info Systems, which has introduced an innovative Interactive Analytics solution to provide call center with additional feature to track actual response of customers. The company has found its major role in providing solutions to a well-known call center of Israel named Outsourced Contact Center Re-Mark. Installation of IA solution has helped this outbound contact center to enhance operational efficiency of personnel involved in telephonic sales by 10 percent as compared to the previous 4 percent level of efficiency.
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